We, at Docduc, believe that healthcare is a basic human right, not a privilege. Docducs mission is to remove financial and social barriers to access.
- Search for nearby doctors by many different parameters such as reviews, insurance plan, appointment date, language and more.
- Schedule their visits simply by looking at the doctors calendar and picking an available slot.
- Conduct video visits. Over 86% of all doctor, urgent care, and ER visits in 2017 did not require you to be in-person.
- Text doctors and their staff, instead of being put on hold. Texting is much more convenient and efficient than calling and holding.
- Access our AI chat-bot to diagnose yourself by providing symptoms.
- Reduce costs and increase ROI, while staying in compliance with HIPAA and GDPR.
- Attract and retain thousands of patients, while increasing patient engagement and reducing readmissions.
- Easily get reimbursed by insurance carriers. 38-States have passed Parity Laws.
- Collaborate on patient cases with other specialists.
- Stop chasing payments.
Have questions? Visit us at https://docduc.com or email us at [email protected].